b"STEP THREE: MARKETING YOUR HOMEThe Risks of OverpricingYour HomeOverpricing a home is a common mistake that many sellers make. While it may seem likea good idea to price your home high to leave room for negotiation, it can actually havenegative consequences. Overpricing your home can lead to it sitting on the market fortoo long, which can turn off potential buyers who may wonder why it's not selling andleave you with a lower sale price in the end.3 Reasons You Shouldn't OverpriceNegative perceptionThe longer your home sits on the market, the worseit looks to prospects. Potential buyers may assumethat there's something wrong with the property orthat it's overpriced, which can make it moredifficult to sell.Limited buyer poolOverpriced homes may not attract the right buyers.Buyers who are interested in your home may havealready seen similar homes in the area that are pricedmore competitively. As a result, overpriced homes mayonly attract buyers who are looking for a deal or thosewho may not be qualified to purchase your home at itscurrent price.Low appraisal Overpricing your home can also lead to issues withthe buyer's lender. If the home doesn't appraise forthe listed price, the buyer may not be able to securefinancing, which can lead to negotiations, delays ortermination of the contract."